
Old find...

I have a drawer full of unlabeled CD's and DVD's with images on them... I assume all photographers do. After finishing a scan job for a client this evening, I needed a sleeve for the disc I burned (I ran out days ago and haven't bought any yet), sooo... I went into the "drawer of unknown" to poach one. While rooting around I came across a disc that was labeled "Skary B-Day" hmmm?... I loaded it into the computer and found this classic triptik I made of Skerik from the band Critter's Buggin.

The band played a gig at the Mercury Lounge in Goleta, CA (I'm guessing around 2003) and it happened to be Skerik's Birthday that night. Dawn, the owner of the bar, presented him with a cake and I grabbed these three shots of him being himself.

Click for larger view...

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