Craig Jenkins, owner of the club,
Velvet Jones, recently approached me for some live music artwork to hang on the walls of the venue. He wanted the images to cover a variety of music genres, as the Velvet Jones has no discrimination when it comes to booking shows. After weeding through my archive... we narrowed the selection down to shots of Jam Master Jay, Henry Rollins, Slash and Willie Nelson.
With a vast amount of wall space it only made sense to go BIG with the images... a whopping 40x60 inches. Only one image was shot digitally with my Canon 5D (Slash) which held up surprisingly well. I took it upon myself to hi-rez scan the film shots using the Imacon Flextight 848 virtual drum scanner. They all turned out even better than the digital, but it was the shot of Jam Master Jay that blew me away. It was taken on Kodak TMY 400 and hand processed by yours truly over ten years ago. Scanned as a 16bit TIFF at 6300 dpi, the grain turned out beautiful, even at this size.
Here's a shot of me & two of the final products just before final trimming...