
Bumpy start to a new season...

Spent my first two shows of the SB Bowl 2009 concert season shooting from the soundboard. Then the recent fire here in SB postponed the third show, Katy Perry.

And now... The Kings of Leon, headliner for the KJEE Summer Round-up next weekend, have decided to decline a photo pass for the house photographer, me. Are they another band that has grown too big for it's britches?

I don't understand? I counted around 30 point-n-shoot cameras in the first two rows of a picture I took from the soundboard at the New Kids on the Block concert. This is going on at every show these days and point-n-shoot cameras have all the bells, whistles and mega-pixels of high end SLR cameras.

With more and more people posting to flickr, blogs and websites as well... you'd think they would want someone with more experience than the average concert-goer providing the images for the world to see?

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